Here a Lovelock Beauty & Aesthetics, I use an advanced YAG 1064 and 532 Q-switched laser is able to effectively remove black, blue and dark inks, as well as the more difficult to treat red and yellow pigments the only type of laser that is clinically effective for Tattoo Removal. Q-Switched Lasers that generate a high-powered beam of laser light in an extremely short pulse are the most suitable lasers for Tattoo Removal treatments.
The very short pulse of high-powered laser light is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces, enabling your natural immune defences to absorb and disperse the ink. A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments.
Tattoo Removal is spaced a minimum of every eight weeks to allow time for the treatment area to heal sufficiently and to allow the tattoo to fade as much as possible before the next treatment.
Semi-Permanent Makeup can also be treated, £40 per session.
Under 10 minutes £40
15 minutes £60
30 minutes £80
45 minutes £100